
It is essential to teach the Children the habit of looking up to God for everything they want. We need to make them realise that Parents have to depend on God in order to provide for what the Children need.
The Relationship is GOD- Parents - Children.
By this, they will learn to talk to God in their own little way such as "God Provide For Daddy, Provide For Mummy- I want to buy this, I want to buy that--- "

Even when they are sick, they will ask for Prayer befor Medicine because they have been brought up to know that God is the only Solution to all Life Experiences and Needs."

""""""" QUOTES """""""
"Now," she said, "look, Amram, that don't sound like you. You're a real daddy, and you… That don't sound like you, because you're always encouraging us, telling us to have faith in God."

"Oh, but, dear, when I pray so much, and—and still God don't hear me, and seems like it just gets worse all the time. The more I pray, the worse it gets."

84  But little boys and girls, does God hear prayer? Say, "He hears prayer." Does God answer prayer? Yes. Does He answer real quick? Not all the time, does He? No.

Sometimes He makes us wait. Is that right? But God answers prayer. Doesn't He? And just because everything's going wrong, that's no sign we should quit praying. We just pray on anyhow. Don't we? That's right. Now, you answered right. God answers prayer. Let's all say it together. [Brother Branham and congregation say, "God answers prayer."—Ed.] Yes. No matter what the circumstances are, He answers, anyhow. All right.

"Well, are you going up to pray again?"

"Yes." And daddy had a secret room way up in the attic where he went to pray. So he gets up there that night; he kneels down by the side; he said… Now, he said, "Jochebed, now you go on and go to bed, and you and the kiddies. Because, don't bother me, I'm going to pray maybe all night tonight."

    56-0513 - Teaching On Moses
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

The Soda Pop